Long Time Gone

Looking back over my past posts I realize that it’s been a Loooong while since I posted. Disturbingly, my last post was one made during a time when I was drowning in depression. it is not as if I have active readers so I’m sure (hoping?) that no one was scared or worried.

I am fine.

I spent the next 7 months vacillating between depression and slightly less depression. Anxiety was tensing me so much that by the time I had Finally started medication it felt like a muscle relaxer. I could sleep again. I wasn’t angry All The Time. I quit thinking constantly about all the ways thing could go wrong.

I feel better.

I started this blog to help me find the good things in life. Also, to help vent and understand things that were happening. There was so much happening. I am hoping to return to some of that, the writing for clarity.

2020 is a horrific year for many and this presidency is stressful…. but not much has actively been affected in my life. I hope everyone is doing good… and sees the light of new years as the hope it should be. Lets get through the rest of this year together.



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